We believe Canada is suffering with Justin Trudeau at the helm and he needs to step down or be removed in order for Canada to flourish.
Trudeau does not have the knowledge or skill to run an organization like the Canadian government and definitely shouldn’t be in the PMO.
The Government of Canada is the largest corporation in the country complete with all the usual departments of any large company; Accounting, HR, Legal, Operations and then toss in departments like Defence and International Relations and you have the most diverse and demanding organization in the country.
No Prime Minister could be an expert in all things government but prior to Justin Trudeau every PM dating all the way back to Sir John A Macdonald came into office with at least some relevant skill set; journalists, businessmen, economists, editors, lawyers. Trudeau is the first and only Prime Minister that brings no applicable expertise to office. Nothing.
Will he do what’s best for Canada and step aside, or will he do what’s best for himself and stay in office?”